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Fantastic apartment on the top floor in Elviria next to Hotel Don Carlos

HN4024 - Vendido
Fantastic apartment on the top floor in Elviria next to Hotel Don Carlos
Habitaciones 2 Baños 2 Superficie habitable 112 m² Terraza 14 m² Parking Garage Calefacción Air Conditioning H/C Construido en 1983
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Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en inglés estadounidense y alemán. Fantastic apartment on the top floor in a complex on the beachfront in Elviria next to Hotel Don Carlos 150 meters from the beach. The apartment offers an open-plan kitchen and a living room independent from the dining room, which is on twoMás info
Marbella Wohnen Marbella Wohnen +34 952 632 608