REAL ESTATE – MARBELLA WOHNEN – How to buy your dream house

REAL ESTATE – MARBELLA WOHNEN – How to buy your dream house

How to buy your dream house

Are you looking for a house and don’t know where to start? Today in our blog we give you the keys to making finding the house of your dreams much easier than you imagine.

When buying your ideal house, it is important to take into account several factors that will help you create a composition of the place that is as close to reality as possible. Knowing what you want, how you want it and when you want it is essential to avoid wasting time.

Before you think about buying

Before you decide which home you want to buy, it is essential that you think about your lifestyle, your needs and your budget.

Our advice is to make a list of the essential features that your home should have, another with the important ones and another with the ones that you would like your dream home to have, but are dispensable. Fulfilling everything that appears on that list will be determined in most cases by the budget.

Your lifestyle determines your type of home

One thing you should definitely take into account when considering what type of home you should buy is your lifestyle. Do you eat out every day and cooking is not your thing? Are you going to live alone and have no idea of ​​sharing your home with anyone for at least a few years? Do you love flowers and for you a home without plants has no charm? Your tastes and needs will determine the search for your home.

It is also essential that you take into account the location. In fact, we would say that it is almost more relevant than the characteristics of the apartment itself. It is important to take into account if you work remotely, or if you work outside the home, what the distance is to your workplace. Similarly, it is essential to find out about nearby public services, shopping areas, schools and nurseries, parking areas, etc.

Budget, a basic factor

As we have mentioned before, the budget undoubtedly determines the type of house you can buy. Once you are clear about the basic characteristics of your new home, it is time to do the math. Our advisors will help you at all times to know how far you can go. You will have to analyze your income, savings, monthly expenses, daily costs… The price of the house you can buy will depend on:

  • Gross income
  • Your financial capacity
  • Banking history
  • Type of loan
  • The current interest rate
  • Your effort rate (proportion between your income and your expenses)

Our advice as an expert company in the sector is that you look for a house that fits your purchasing power and that you can easily pay, rather than committing to payments that are too high for your income and your lifestyle.

How to find your ideal home

Once you have your priorities and your real budget clear for buying the home of your dreams, it’s time to start looking. Without a doubt, the Internet is an excellent way to prepare a first list and get an idea of ​​what the real estate market is like. The ideal thing is, without a doubt, that you let yourself be helped. Your Marbella WOHNEN Immobilien specialist will save you precious time when it comes to deciding which apartment is right for you, will prevent you from making fruitless visits and will advise you when it comes to choosing the apartment or house you want.

Once you have seen some houses that may interest you, compare them, for example:

  • Is the property tax similar?
  • Have both homes been renovated?
  • What is the community fee for each of them?
  • Do they have the same number of rooms or square meters?
  • Are they free of charges or liens?

At this point, it’s time to take a pen and paper and analyze the characteristics, pros and cons of the houses you want to compare. Your Marbella WOHNEN Immobilien advisor can help you clarify the financial issues of the apartment and inform you about the services in the area where each of them is located. 

It can also help you to decide:

  • Know the name of the construction company of the building or house to find out about other projects that they have been in charge of.
  • Be clear about whether improvements or renovations can be made. For example, in a housing estate, the houses are usually practically the same and the real estate developer or the neighbours can impose restrictions on the colour of the house, on the installation of awnings or on enclosures, for example.

Do you now have a clearer idea of ​​where to start when looking for the home of your dreams? Contact us if you have any questions! We will inform you without obligation!


The value of personalized advice when buying and selling property cannot be underestimated, as it can determine success or failure when it comes to buying the apartment of your dreams or selling your property fairly.

A professional advisor ensures effective negotiations

Marbella WOHNEN Immobilien


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